No Resolution Needed!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Miracles Can Happen When We Do Our Work In Faith

Grab the tail of the serpent , as Moses did. Trust in Him, He will handle the head, which you cannot control. The serpant will become your staff which you need not fear. Then go about doing the things you must do, for He will not do for you that which you can do for yourself...have Faith that you will produce much fruit by your obedience to His Word.
Many Blessings, B"H and Shalom,
Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Have Faith and Trust Him!

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Blessings Have Been Given

  • Something to think about this Chanukkah and Christmas.

Let's  first think about Chanukkah. The battle was over and the temple was reclaimed to allow freedom to worship ONE True God. Yet, the oil they had was just enough for one day. Another miracle was delivered to these people. The oil lasted eight days...The victory was won and the blessings followed.
Now, let's move forward in time to a little town called Bethlehem.  A very special  Bethlehem,  as there were three little towns by that name, but only one was chosen by God and prophesied in the old Old Testament to be the birthplace of Messiah. The name Bethlehem means house of bread, manna. One child, the Messiah, was going to be born there.
How did Joseph and Mary get to this chosen place? Certainly, Mary was in no condition to travel, but the counting of every person was mandated. So, this Blessed Family set off for this specific place, called Bethlehem. Mary was great with child, but they started their journey to anyway.
Once they arrived, Mary was aware she would soon give birth. They needed a place to stay, but there was no room for "them". If they had been rich and noble, there would have been a room, but no. So, they were forced out to a cave amongst shepards and livestock. They were forced out into a place of common, humble people. There, our Savior was born, in that humble town and they rested in a humble place.
Yes, our Savior was born out of humble circumstances.  He was delivered to everyone, especially the humble and weak.
They were the chosen ones to recieve our Lord, who's birth blessed us that night. His birth had blessed those chosen and destined to inherit the Kingdom of God and continues to do so...Thank You dear Father God for the greatest blessing ever given to us, your children.
Take a little time to relate what this all means to you and your life...
Celebrate these miracles and the gifts they provide for us every moment of our life. Trust, Obedience and Faith are the virtues that allowed these gifts come to pass. Do we have that Faith, Trust and Willingness to be Obedient, without question to Father God? These are not easy choices to make, but look what honoring His will

can bring forth! One step and day at a time is all His Word asks of us. Pass the Word on to a friend!
Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Do visit Rhea the Naked Birdie ! She will brighten your day...You can find her on Facebook, Instagram ...everywhere ! SHE'S A STAR!
Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Check Out Your Look Before You Leave The House!

Check your outfits and makeup before you leave the house by taking pictures.This will help you look your best for those special occasions, no surprises!  

Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling Motivational Speaker / Writer Lifestyling Consultant

Saturday, December 10, 2016

You're Perfect Just The Way You Are!

Thank you Yolanda Hadid for this Instagram post...❤️The perception of perfection is a barrier so knock it down and set your own standard @reebokwomen #PerfectNever #BeMoreHuman #LoveTheSkinYouAreIn

Friday, December 9, 2016


 Stay close to Him. You will be blessed and a person who is able to be a true blessing to others.  Blessings folks, not a person who uses their "personal power" that  may wound and destroy yourself and others. The flow of that Grace and Mercy from God through you demonstrates the greater power... Let's not substitute brass for GOLD. I get an Amen?

Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling Motivational Speaker /Writer
Lifestyling Consultant


Brass or Gold...
Psychology without the knowledge and inclusion of the Holy Spirit is trading brass for GOLD.

Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling Motivational Speaker/ Writer
Lifestyling Consultant

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Fnding Fertile Ground

Even the mustard seeds Jesus spoke of, that fall on rocks and poor soil, can be blown
by the Ruach H'Kodesh(Holy Spirit...Breath of God) to fertile places. Trust and have Faith that you will be moved to the right place to produce a good harvest in your life. Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling
Motivational Speaker / Writer
Lifestyling Consultant

To Eat Or Not To Eat The Fruit

If God has grafted you into the vine, it's usually okay to
PICK the fruit... FEED your body and soul ...SHARE it with others and GROW MORE! So, don't admire the fruit and starve! Just make sure it's the fruit God's Word says you may eat.
Deborah Mullan


So,you don't believe in miracles? Wait until you need one... Pastor John Hagee

DO you need a miracle? Believe,
Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling 


The Pastor said,
I have bad news and good news.
The bad news is that there is a hole in the roof. The good news is that we have the money to pay for it...but the rest of the news is...the money is in your pocket. Pastor John Hagee

How much are you willing to pay for the holes in your roof?
Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling

Best Dressed And Amazing People

The best dressed and amazing people...

Dress themselves in self-confidence, everyday! It's never in poor taste, inappropriate nor does it go out of style. What does it cost to be self confident ? Well, that cost amounts to your willingness to be honest and introspective about the real you.
I believe the cost is justified.

A thought from:
Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling
Motivational Speaker /Writer
Lifestyling Consultant

Monday, November 21, 2016

There Are No Ordinary Moments In Your Life!

There are no ordinary moments in your life. You are a reflection of God's perfection. Be fruitful and be creative  in each and every moment He has blessed you with! Tell Him how greatful you are for His presence  in your heart. Know that there are blessings in the good and seemingly not so good moments.
Find them and harvest the friuts. Live, learn, know and GROW in God's Grace. Amen!
Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling IvyLaneDM@gmail.come

Motivational Speaker / Writer
Lifestyling Consultant 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Extending The Real You Into Everything You Do

When you are truly happy, you are true to yourself. You begin to realize the beauty in life. You are therefore satisfied living the various aspects of your life. That's when the separation  in the different aspects of your life begin to diminish, until the lines blur. You are loving life and you're living it with authenticity ! Your work life is no exception...
The reason this happens  is because
you know who you are, like yourself and you appreciate where you are in your life. That's when everything you do becomes an extention of the real beautiful YOU. Live, learn, love, laugh...stay true to who you are and be creative, of course.😉
Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling

Please Be Aware And Present

Please, be aware and there for those in pain. You can make a difference! There are all kinds of painful sufferings. No matter what causes the pain, those in pain usually have the same reaction to their situation, they secluded, show up and lend them your ear and support! You may not feel comfortable offering help, but it's better than the feeling you'll have if it's too late to do anything.
Thank you, Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling

Monday, November 14, 2016

You Are A Creation In Progress

Self love honors God.
Remember to live in His Word. He doesn't expect you to be perfect...He expects you to keep creating yourself according to His Word. Live, love and create your life boldly in His name! Believe it... Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling:Consultant for Creative Living

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Power of a Whisper!

This is the best advice I've heard in a long time...
Deborah Mullan Lifestyling Consultant

Go To Yourelf!

Go to Yourself
Cheshvan 9, 5777 · November 10, 2016
Lech Lecha

“Go to yourself…to the land which I will show you.”—Genesis 12:1
“There, in the land, I will show you your essence.”—R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi

The spiritual world of meditation and prayer has its borders:
That which can be known will be known.
That which is beyond knowing is permitted to whisper, softly.
And the very core of your being remains beyond the border, aching to enter,
yet unable to utter a word of its presence.
But when the soul descends into the world of action,
then every rule can be broken,
every boundary crossed.
So G‑d says to Abraham and to us, his children: Take your soul out into the world, take its very essence there.
Find divine purpose in your work;
discover G‑d within the commonplace workings of this world.
You will come to know which cannot be known;
your eyes will see that which the soul could never lay bare
—its very core of being.
In this world, the soul knows no borders.

Lech Lecha, 5738 (1977)

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016


It's that time of the year that tests your ability to create outfits that you can wear to the many parties that are coming up. Some may even be formal. There are ways to make that easier and you don't necessarily need to buy pieces to impressive and wow your friends. You may even already own most, if not all of the clothes you need to create many party WOWS! Women have been using many techniques to put new and old pieces of clothing together for new looks and people never figure it out! Also, try using different price point items and mixing them up in a way you never tried before . This will extend your wardrobe and make your effort cost effective ... I'll show you how to look like dynamite just by adding certain accessories to each outfit...CONTACT ME and I'll show you how it's done.
Deborah Mullan Lifestyling Consultant

Thursday, November 3, 2016

What a Treat and a Blessing!

 What a beautiful wedding gift this priest gave to a couple on their special day. I thought you might enjoy hearing!
Enjoy! Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling

Such Sweet, Sweet Notes!

This rendition of Hallalujah will fill your heart and move your soul with sweet, sweet notes. It may also bring you to taste sweet, sweet tears...Enjoy!

Monday, October 31, 2016

NO BLAME, Just Set Things Straight With Truth.

As women come forward with inappropriate behavior of men, I must say...Oh my! Ladies we need to deal with this issue. Speak up. The days of "she asked for it " or "well, look at her, what would you expect when you're dressed like that...she wants the attention " must be addressed in a civil and appropriate way. I believe we can make our point without assaulting the male ego. If we say nothing, than we make it acceptable. LADIES, we have nothing to lose by saying this behavior is not respectful or appropriate and our sons and daughters  have so much to gain from our honesty. Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling

Saturday, October 29, 2016

You Have Something To Do Today!

Do something meaningful for someone today...
just because it's right thing to do.
Don't do it for blessings or karma. Just try it, you might find you and someone else, who could use a lift, having exceptionally great day! Feel free to extend that kindness everyday!
Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling

Get Creative!

 Yes! You can help put the OK
back in brOKen. You have that gift. Use it!
Living, learning, growing ...
Deborah Mullan / IvyLaneLifestyling Consultant
Motivational speaker, Writer,Consultant.
Find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Contacting Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling!

If you wish to contact Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling,  please do so at:

Motivational Speaker / Writer
       Lifestyling Consultant
              Thank you!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

What are sacrilegious acts, exactly?

When you think something is sacrilegious  you think of some act that is offensive to God and you would be right...yet not all offenses carry the same weight. Remember, the greatest form of sacrilegious acts is to offer something to Him or to someone in His name if it means nothing to you and has no value to you.. DeborahMullan/IvyLaneLifestyling , Blessings and Shalom

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

To Be A Leader

Leaders must be clear where their center is, their core, their beliefs and values. They must know the issues at hand...then be strong, confident and lead the way through the storm. IT TAKES COURAGE OF CONVICTION!

Faith and Grace

Grace gives us the promise, the  blessings of God.
However,  without Faith, we can't  access you trust enough to receive the blessing that God has already made available? Yes, you are worthy.

Monday, September 26, 2016

He wants to help you!

Use God's word to gain your strength. His word gives you the peaceful  nature to respond according to His will. Stay in the Shalom of God. Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Yeshua's Promise

Yeshua...Servant and Savior.
He fulfilled one blessing by giving us eternal forgiveness/pardon from our sins, by the shedding of His blood because  He loves us, not because we deserves it.
He will bless us again by returning as the Prince of Peace. He also said "Baruch haba B'shem Adonai" let's  make Him and His promise known to all...and remember...
Sha'alu  Shalom Yahrusheliam! There must be peace in Jerusalem,  so please, pray for that peace. Shalom and Blessings,... Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Purposeful Clarity...Cut Out the Noise!

Lord, we pray that we hear Your Word so that we may have purposeful clarity and think and do according to Your will. Let us not be confused and deafened by the noise that is of this world or evil. Let us be Still in the Peace of Your Shalom  and Trust in You. Amen and Amen. A thought and prayer from: Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Will and Willingness

Good, Exceptional and Perfect...God's will for us only requires us to aim high. He doesn't ask for perfection,  just that we have the willingness to strive towards it His name.
A thought from: Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Draw Close and Take Shelter in Him!

Version (NIV)

Psalm 91
1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”
3 Surely he will save you
    from the fowler’s snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.
9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
    and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him my salvation.”
Praise be to our Lord...may we always remember that we are His bride and He longs to draw us closer to Him in His most high and intimate place...His heart. Trust and be bold in His presence... in the name of the Star Shalom, the Prince of Peace, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen
Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Saturday, September 17, 2016

First fruits offerings in the High Holy days

Isaiah 55:6 says call on the Lord while He is near. Have you given any thought as to how that influences  you, your actions and why?
We understand and are greatful that He is with us always. Why then, at certain times in God's calender, is he closer to us? This month is one example of those appointed times when His blessings and mercy are shown to us much more clearly and abundantly.
To sum this answer up, we turn to the ancient Hebrew. Three times a year God opens the windows of heaven and He moves closers to us. The first and most important is the first fruits offering which allows us to return to the city of refuge. It is happening now, in the Hebrew month of Elul.
We are entering the beginning of the High Holy days of the year. Passover,Pentecost are the two other times we honor Him in a special way and now, in the month of Elul (which takes us into Rosh Hashanah,  Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles) we are in the most Holy time and God blesses us according to how we have lived up to His expections.
These are appointments on God's calender. We are in, but not of this world...and the first fruits offering allows us to return to the city of refuge...allows us to return back to Him.
It is then we receive our blessings.
Have our lives made enough of a difference that will allow for those blessings? You might want to think deeply about this. Enjoy the coming High Holy days, but do it with great respect, reverence, humility, and sublimation.
This is the time for repentance...
Make sure your first fruits offerings are worthy. Don't  come empty handed.
May the blessings unto you be many ...
Praise to our Lord Jesus... our Messiah, for delivering us and making us worthy of these blessings so we may receive God's gifts.
Deborah Mullan

One day!

One day, at a time hidden from us, we will lay down in His Shalom and peace will reign...B"H
Amen and Amen.
Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Monday, September 12, 2016

Faith grows fruit!

What a beautiful day...being empowered  by Faith provides your blessings and makes you a blessing to others. Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Serving with joy.

Go about the business the Lord has given you today, no matter how humble or inconsequential  you believe it to be, at this time. Whatever you must do, do it with  delight and pleasure. Do not look at it as a suffering you must endure, but as a joy to love and serve. Jesus suffered and paid for the grace you receive.
Jesus also washed the feet of Peter and others at the last supper. There, He represented himself from a place of humility not pride. Jesus also said that the greatest amongst you is the servant of all. #agapelove
Blessings, Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Time is fleeting!

Oh I love summer, but time marches on and so should we. Let's do it with our creative juices flowing and change this crazy world! Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling.

Enriching your life...

The best colorist and stylist!
Thank you my friend. Anton is the owner of Preva salon, Grosse Pointe Michigan
Visiting your salon always makes my day. That haircut shows off my Catherine Budd
Clover Collection earrings as well. Brilliant artists can really add a dazzle to your life! Surrounding yourself with creative people will make a difference...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

You matter, guard your heart...

Do you ever meet up with  friends or family members and feel terrible about yourself because of something that came out of their mouths? Perhaps you hear statements that are meant to seemingly correct you, but only   strike hard upon your heart. No, it wasn't only some random aspect of you they was hurtful to your sense  of well being and purpose . My question to you is, why are you allowing them into your life? Yes, you may have to tolerate them being present,  but you don't need to put such a high value on what they say about you. You may wonder if they may be correct and you may be less than you should be. My answer is simple really. If they are coming from a good place and are a blessing in your life, a relationship with them won't  require you to tap dance on egg shells in order to spend time with them and not feel wounded. If you know people like this, it's OK to to walk around them and get them out of your way. You may think, that's  not very Christian. However, it does not serve you or God to be controlled  and manipulated by someone. There are people in this world who mean your harm. They may be in great pain themselves. Pray and be an example to them...but don't be their victim. Turn the light on and remove the darkness. Proverbs 4:23 says ...above all else guard your heart,  for everything you do flows from it...
Your thoughts are powerful and  you may end up a reflection of those thoughts which were instilled in you by someone speaking something other than the  truth of God's word. You are a blessed child of God. Turn on the light. No person can turn on darkness, it's  not possible, choose otherwise. Keep in mind that you don't  need to hate them,  that would be wrong. Just don't  give them power over your life. Walk on knowing you are a valuable part of God's intentions. Keep busy with the wish to be a blessing to others. There is much inside of you that is worthy and good. Can't you feel it inside your bones? Make your life and the life of others rich by making your gifts come alive. Remember, the opinion of those, who seem to be so perfect and laud that perfection over your head, are nothing more that illusion. Believe in yourself and have Faith in God. Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Be a blessing.

God's great hand reaches out and puts us where we must's  no accident. It's our Father's love for us making things right. It's a great moment when we stop asking for a blessing and become one. Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tears speak loadly!

God hears your prayers, but did you know your tears are prayers to Him also? He cares about what troubles you deep in your heart. He also is aware of your tears of joy...They say Thank you Lord.

This land is mine...and yours!

As we approch the High Holy Days seeking redemption and atonement, lets remember...

What to do?

Jesus tells us not to worry or be anxious...your job is to listen to what the Holy Spirit, which dwells within your heart, tells you is right. Deborah Mullan

Monday, August 29, 2016

Keep writing your story!

As long as you have a pulse...your story is still being written and God charges you to be the writer. Don't  let one upsetting  or discouraging scene be the last scene.That may have needed to play out to get to the next scene... in ways you don't understand. ...Have Faith in God's  promise and know you will fulfill your destiny. Blessings,  Deborah Mullan/IvyLaneLifestyling

Thursday, August 11, 2016

I was so wrong and I'm thankful!

 Today I thank God for the endings and  things I  perceived as failures, all of which I facilitated by thinking I was "driving the car", so to speak. NOW, I know any and everything comes from a power much greater than me. Nothing that hurts or seeks to destroy us in life can result in things being finished or over and thus  can  be overcome.
My thoughts and beliefs were "self" based and toxic.. Well, evidently  I never really heard His word. His words have the power to deliver you and heal your soul. Change and refocus your thoughts and you will be more content while the storm rages. Thoughts become actions and they can change our lives. We have the power of Christ within us. Only with His Grace and following His Word can we truly make fruitful, powerful and hopeful changes in our lives,. That is how I experience the fullness of this statement today. Deb
Shalom, Blessings ...B"H

Sunday, July 31, 2016

God's Love In Action!

Love as God loves you: Don't allow your feelings to dictate your action...
Love is made up of actions, not  feelings. Feelings come and go,  love in your heart will never go away.
The percentage of yourself that you share with others also matters. Lots of us have so much, but surrender so little to others. How many of the people you call friend would be there if you needed them? Some won't even connect with a a single note, more less a conversation. How do you react to a friend in need of nothing more than the sound of your them some sense of peace?....True friendship is not about running away, avoiding or doing things at your convenience. Do you call people, just because you care?...Do they call or come to see you, have a simple meal and make a happy memory?  Stay close to those who truly care about you, from the goodness of their heart....give your best to those who you really care about your heart! Shalom.
Deborah Mullan

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016


"Faith is great...but without Trust, it holds no promise"Deborah Mullan/IvyLane LIFESTYLING

Love is an action...

Love as God loves you: Don't allow your feelings to dictate your action...
Love is made up of actions, not  feelings. Feelings come and go,  love in your heart will never go away.
The percentage of yourself that you share with others also matters. Lots of us have so much, but surrender so little to others. How many of the people you call friend would be there if you needed them? Some won't even connect with a a single note, more less a conversation. How do you react to a friend in need of nothing more than the sound of your them some sense of peace?....True friendship is not about running away, avoiding or doing things at your convenience. Do you call people, just because you care?...Do they call or come to see you, have a simple meal and make a happy memory?  Stay close to those who truley care, from the goodness of their heart....give your best to those you really care about their heart! Shalom.
Deborah Mullan/IvyLane LIFESTYLING
Motivational Speaker and Writer
Contact: IvyLaneDM

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

One in God...

We are ONE in God.
I was born a Jew and will die a Jew...Many Christians believe their roots are born and steeped in Jewish tradition and believe in the Oneness God desired. The Apostles knew it and spread the Gospel...Jews whose blinders are removed and the veils have been parted, see the prophecies that are in the Old Testament and also long for the Oneness God desired.
Yeshua(Jesus) is the Messiah..He is the way. Jew and Christian gentiles alike... United in One God.
While there are some diffences in how we may worship ( a personal choice), we still have one common goal. Shalom
Deborah Mecklenburg Mullan

Doing...with intent.

Keep doing, trying impies that you might fail and not "do" it again. Keep doing with the Intension of success. Pray, live, Learn and dream with intent!


You are perfect in God's eyes. Our job is to grow into that perfection.
The great news is that He knows when your intent is to reach that perfection. Shalom