No Resolution Needed!

Friday, November 29, 2019

I May Be Able To Help!

Have you had those days? They happen to everyone....what can you do???


I'm Deborah, a creative living professional for all areas of your life! My formal graduate education provides me with expert knowledge in the disciplines of:
This provides me with a sound understanding of science, which lends a valuable understanding of health and wellness.
*PSYCHOLOGIST   and Specialist in   EDUCATION
Knowledge, with clinical experience in this area has been invaluable in understanding and aiding people with life's issues and their specific needs... whatever they may be.
The experience I gained from the work done in these two professions instilled a love of the arts and a tremendous opportunity to develop creative and communicative skills that have enhance my life, in more ways than I could have imagined.

As a life couch, stylist, writer and motivational speaker, I would like to be of help to you!

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

       Thank you!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you had a beautiful day!
God bless the USA!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019

CREATIVE Pineapples...?

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 
Told me I am creative and beautiful... I must say I am one happy pineapple! 
So, how are you doing?
Find Deborah on Facebook,  Instagram  and on this Blog page!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Here's An Idea!

  Here is a great idea!

WHY NOT make a video of your weekend? You might find yourself seeking fun times... like visiting with friends you haven't seen in a while or taking your grandma out to dinner. You can play golf, go bowling,  play Putt Putt...
Just do something you have not done in a long time. Make that video to keep those memories from fading and you can share the fun! 


Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 🌺

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Creativity Process

There is no mystery in the art of being "creative". It is all a matter of hooking up the

thoughts and basic input from different parts of your brain to resolve a question or issue

in your life. You generally know what you have stored in you brain (reflection) or you can add

more information by doing simple research. You also have feelings attached to those thoughts

and experiences...creativity is a process of putting all these things together with a paradigm shift

(looking at things from a different perspective). Yes, now you have a new way of looking at

an issue and reacting to that issue in a new, healthy and well thought out way. People say that

things are not as bad as they seem and often that is the truth... because you are only holding one

perspective on the situation. We grow as we learn to become open to new ideas and by putting

what we know and feel about a situation in a new light, a new order or basically becoming less

reactive to our previous beliefs. Simply put; each thought, feeling or idea is now being factored

into a solution differently because your priorities are changing and being revalued. Haven't you

heard people say " well, look at it this way" or "have you ever considered...". Well, they have

considered the situation from their unique perspective. You can learn to do this, with a little

practice, for yourself. When you are feeling confused or uneasy about something, try  re-

prioritizing each factor in the issue and stand back, in a nonreactive way and ascertain if that

makes sense and how it feels to you. Chances are you have been giving certain thoughts

or feelings too much value and that is not feeling good to you and makes you upset or confused.

In summary, reevaluating a situation and your options will start you on a new path of not

becoming hostage to old thoughts and feeling that have kept you stuck. Change your habits

(thoughts), change your life... You must be willing to do the work of evaluating and reevaluating

old habits, thoughts and feelings. It takes time, but you will see changes in the effectiveness of your

new way of being and dealing with issues in your life.  I wish you well as you grow into the

content person who doesn't feel like life is a raw deal and your options are limited or nonexistent.

You are unique and deserve the best life possible...go for it! Oh yes, that reminds me to speak about

fear. Please, don't let fear detour you from getting the best out of your life. We all flub up and need

to start again and that's an important part of the creative process...don't be afraid to fall on your face,

because you will become more resilient each time you get up and try again!

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

Don't Suffer With Dry Eyes

From Gerald J Mullan, MD                                                                               

Let us take a brief look at DRY EYES…

Understand that “dry eye” is a disease state that results from various causes. Let us take a look at those causes...
Please note, for some people, the symptoms of burning, itchy, red eyes with blurry vision appears to come out of the blue or can result from an infection of the eyelids. In these cases, treating the eyelid infection, just getting out of the sun, wind or heat and wearing your glasses and sunglasses will ease the discomfort. HOWEVER, if you are constantly battling this condition you must see your ophthalmologist.

Pay attention if:

1.       Your eyes often become red, itchy and painful when they are exposed to wind, forced hot air, light and pronged exposure to TV and computer screens. Yes, this includes the use of mobile phones!
2.       Difficulty wearing eye makeup or products that are applied near the delicate eye tissue.
3.       Your eyes become painful when wearing contacts for short periods of time.
4.       You have periods of excessive tearing when your eyes are dry, sore and red.
5.       You have a history of allergies or suffer from an autoimmune disease, e.g. rosacea, pink eye, Sjogren’s syndrome… just to name a few.

If you have observed any of these issues that result in dry sore eyes, be sure to tell your eye doctor.
Feel free to consult with Dr. Mullan by calling the Eye Clinic: 248 691 4312 or 248 299 3937
We look forward to helping you with ALL YOUR EYE CARE NEEDS!

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Let's  Turn Our Attention To The Positive!
Photo credit:
Dr. Anthony Youn
Youn Plastic Surgery

I believe Dr. Youn has the right idea...
Focus on the positive things about yourself. You are fabulous!
Any changes you make are just improvements  on a good thing!

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional


Choosing your food wisely!!

Thank you!
@drmarkhyman for these food options!
Let's deal with the hunger pains that make us troll our kitchen for food because we feel ravenous or if we are going food shopping and we know we'll end up eating food from isle 3 (soda and chips) before we finish our shopping!  These are the times we can really get our food choices off track. Try these suggested foods when hunger is driving you to eat. You won't regret eating a satisfying food option. Be sure these food choices are handy in your pantry!


Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

You And Your Liver❤

 Love your liver!     

 Be sure to read Dr. Becky Campbell 's blog on the importance of healthy liver function...go to her website for more helpful info!

Find her blogs at :

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Art Of Becoming

The Art Of Becoming...

What binds you today will make you free tomorrow!

# faith

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

High Kicks And Attitude!


Alex Knight your beautiful,
Love your photo!

Now that's the way to start the day...high kicks in your Loubies! 


#choices #creativeliving 

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

Friday, July 12, 2019


Something to consider! 
Allergies, injuries and diseases will produce an inflammation (a response by your immune system to foreign substances or injury). You may see the inflammation in your body (local or systemic) and it can be mild or severe. Be aware that you are not always aware that an inflammatory reaction is occurring, so pay attention to what your body is trying to relay to you. The pain inflammation can produce is often hard to tolerate and may result in unwanted weight gain and weight gain can result insulin resistance! Weight gain by itself indicts that there is an inflamation going on, even if it's not the causal agent for the increased weight! The good news... you can improve these inflammatory reactions by eating foods that can help decrease  inflammation!
Consider consuming more anti inflammatory foods:  some veggies, herbs and spices are anti inflammatory.Try eating more turmeric, rosemary, ginger and cinnamon, green tea and garlic, oregano and 70% or greater cocao, chili pepper, cucumbers and curcumin, onions cruciferous veggies and lightly cooked mushrooms. Try eating foods rich in zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamins E and potassium. Add more fish such as salmon, cod, tuna, bass, halibut  or cod. Include avocado and avacado oil (which provides a rich source of vitamin E and mono saturated fats), olive oil (a wonderful source of omga-9 fatty acid). Also, you may wish to consume more nuts, such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, coconuts,
and macadamian nuts. 
Avoid dairy! Be aware that many fruits and nuts  can actually produce inflammation.
Add fruits like blueberries, pineapple and tart cherries (these cherries have been shown to reduce C - creative protein).
Remember to include plenty fiber found in beans and grains that your system can tolerate and drink plenty of water!
So, make wise informed
choices that may considerably improve your overall well being.  It's not hard. You will get use to  reading labels and doing your own investigating as to what is healthy for you. Some of these dietary changes are not always best for people with specific health issues.. so always consult your physician before you make any dietary changes.
I hope this article begins to help you to understand the issues of inflammation, as it can result from any insult (diseases or injury) to your body and the  health issues inflammation can cause, should it spin out of control. Here's to good health and creative living!

Deborah  Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

# imflamation

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Healthy Summer Cooking

Healthy summer cooking! My family LOVES this combo. There are so many things you can put in a salad and on the corn.
Ideas for salad...fruit, nuts, coconut, bacon, any meat you might choose and vegetables! Toppings for the corn... grated parmesan cheese, blue cheese, gorgonzola cheese, parsley,  cilantro or red pepper flakes, lemon or lime(juice or zest).
Use your imagination and ENJOY!

FROM the kitchen of
Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional-
Ivylane CoCreative Living, LLC



Something to consider!
Allergies, injuries and diseases will produce an inflammation (a response by your immune system to foreign substances or injury). You may see the inflammation in your body (local or systemic) and it can be mild or severe. Be aware that you are not always aware that an inflammatory reaction is occurring, so pay attention to what your body is trying to relay to you. The pain inflammation can produce is often hard to tolerate and may result in unwanted weight gain and weight gain can result insulin resistance! Weight gain by itself indicts that there is an inflamation going on, even if it's not the causal agent for the increased weight! The good news... you can improve these inflammatory reactions by eating foods that can help decrease  inflammation!
Consider consuming more anti inflammatory foods:  some veggies, herbs and spices are anti inflammatory.Try eating more turmeric, rosemary, ginger and cinnamon, green tea and garlic, oregano and 70% or greater cocao, chili pepper, cucumbers and curcumin, onions cruciferous veggies and lightly cooked mushrooms. Try eating foods rich in zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamins E and potassium. Add more fish such as salmon, cod, tuna, bass, halibut  or cod. Include avocado and avacado oil (which provides a rich source of vitamin E and mono saturated fats), olive oil (a wonderful source of omga-9 fatty acid). Also, you may wish to consume more nuts, such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, coconuts,
and macadamian nuts.
Avoid dairy! Be aware that many fruits and nuts  can actually produce inflammation.
Add fruits like blueberries, pineapple and tart cherries (these cherries have been shown to reduce C - creative protein).
Remember to include plenty fiber found in beans and grains that your system can tolerate and drink plenty of water!
So, make wise informed choices that may considerably improve your overall wellbeing.  It's not hard. You will get use to  reading labels and doing your own investing as to what is healthy for you. Some of these dietary changes are not always best for people with specific health issues.. so always consult your physician before you make any dietary changes.
I hope this article begins to help you to understand the issues of inflammation, as it can result from any insult (diseases or injury) to your body and the  health issues inflammation can cause, should it spin out of control. Here's to good health and creative living!

Deborah  Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

Owner and creative director of:
Creative Garden Farms, LLC
Ivylane CoCreative Living, LLC

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Go The Distance!

Photo credit: Phil Reinhadt 

Have you ever stuggled with an exercise routine, only to find it becomes easier with every time you do it. With time, determination and practice, you get better and stronger!  This is true for all the struggles you have in life, so keep focused and stay the course with the undserstanding that you will master the art of accomlishing your goals and overcoming the challenges life can bring...prepare to be amazed!
Deborah Mullan

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Dispel Life's Darkness


A peaceful and encouraging thought from
Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional



Deborah Mullan 

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

How Productive Is Your Ability To Respond?

Take the responsibility for the quality of your a good example to others, who may need your help to learn and grow!
Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

Helping others to gain a broader perspective for a productive life! Change your perspective and make informed quality life choices!


Send your questions to me...I will address them.

Good Food For Your Health

From the kitchen of Ivylane CoCreative Living, LLC. 
Here is a healthy meal any time of the year. It's the  quality of your food, not quantity, that counts! Let's eat our way to a healthier life. Less animal protein and fats and getting more oils and protein that are from plants is a healthy choice!
Remember to always consult your with physician for YOUR best nutritional and exercise advice. 

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 


How You Perceive The World Can Change Your Life!

Repost: from @koze.tiburon (Instagram)

I'd like to add my own take on this post. Georgia O'Keefe's words hit me in a very deep a personal way. To me, it speaks to how I was told to see the world and my place in it. My talents and limitations were made very clear to me
 as a child and teen in the 50's and 60's. I was even told who I could expect to marry. Well, I did NOT share my teacher's  and family's dim views of me and my life's journey. I, thank God, did not agree with their grim opinions of my abilities and ignored their limiting advice and yet, went on to become a highly educated professional woman, who has always been extremely determined to succeed in many aspects of my life's "impossibilities". I have always expected excellence from myself and have never believed that anything is over or impossible until all reasonable avenues of possibility are exhausted (being too tired of it all has never been an option). So, where does one find these values and different views on life, when others are quite content to put them  in a small limited box. My answer is in keeping with Ms. Okeef's statement, which reflects on a retake of what she had been taught and how she viewed herself and the world in which she lived.
I believe it all comes down to love and  respect for one's self and that leads a person to abandon this objectification by those who need to tell you who you are and how you should experience life. In the end, her statement  speaks about the choices many of us make, once we become aware that we are free to view and aspire to our limitless imaginations and creativity. However, one fact that cannot be ignored, is that some individuals (in some  parts of society or countries) have been so oppressed that they are not free to choose. This is an issue that must be addressed. By sharing our positive experiences, when  making our own choices, we can encourage, empower and support others to see their options, which will enable their personal growth and freedom. Here's to creating happiness  and living a life you deserve.
Follow me on this blog, Instagram  and Facebook...
Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

Contact for information  on better health and wellness: or DM on Instagram

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Good News?

Thank you

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 

Your Circle Of Friends

#Repost from Instagram.
Thank you for this insightful post  @isaahadavid92!
This is one of the most honest, but hard to reconcile posts I've seen lately. The hardest part, of this honest statement, to deal with is that when you come to grips with it's truth, you then need to do something about it! Well, you have the option of doing nothing, but you will be stuck and not able to grow from this awareness. Self limitation, by choice, will not facilitate any changes you may need to experience for a happier, healthier and more productive life. Moving out of a position of nonproductive behavior not only facilitates your growth experiences, but it encourages others to do the same. Be wise and encourage others to grow as well. Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Refreshing Mind, Body And Soul!

Count your blessings and RELAX!
🤓 The level of energy I need to expend on a daily basis can leave me exhausted, if I don't pray constantly and ask for God's blessings. I remind myself, in meditative reflection, that only by His blessings and mercy have I come this far...
Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional
You're okay!

Thursday, June 20, 2019


I have a new first response to life's is as follows: Ok, well... that just happened so ____". 🙄 Remember, it's your first response that counts.
Just a thought, Deborah Mullan

Friday, May 31, 2019



Life has soul jolting moments and moments you want to go on forever. Enjoy the good, learn from the bad... stay in touch with the light that makes your heart burn with the passion to walk life's tightrope, again and again. Each time, perfecting your balance and resilience.
Deborah L. Mullan

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Soul Searching Reflections

Notre Dame...
I feel deeply moved and deeply reflective as I watch the consumption of such a holy cathedral.  She is a statement of mankind's endeavor to understand this world and lend to its beauty  and culture.  I feel oddly still as I watch Her, quietly disappearing before my eyes,  However, I also feel a peaceful joy and hope, as I look forward to Her rebirth...
All of the history and human struggles (religious,civil, philosophical), the human triumph reflected in so many forms of artistic creations and beauty/tragedy of human nature was expressed in and outside of Her walls. I do not believe that any  history  regarding human nature and human condition or creativity have been lost in the intense consuming flames that took the body of what was a beautiful and powerful reminder of who we are and where we came from. Now, with intact memories of the past, we move forward into our future. We will now, seamlessly, create anew and meld our presence with the past.
Mary, of seat of wisdom, pray for us. Amen 

Deborah Mullan / Creative Living Professional 
Owner and creator of:
Ivylane CoCreative Living,LLC 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Your Roots Will Support You!

We all transition through seasons in our lives that require us to change.
Some transitions may seem horrifyingly scary and leave us without any idea how to deal with our new circumstances. So, what can we do to make these transitions easier? Well, think about a content unborn bird, who would likely want to stay in its safe little shell, but in reality, it must struggle to birth itself into a new way of living or it will die... having never constructed a nest and thus come to know the ensuing freedoms about to come. Not to mention, giving the world the pleasure and purpose of its presence. You may be in a place where you are struggling, perhaps depressed or even lost. Look around you.  See your blessings, they are there. Those blessings are your roots. Stay tightly connected to the roots (your faith, self love and gratitude for the gift of your existence) which have nourished you and supported you in the past.  A tree, by itself, cannot stand strong against the winds that blow against it, but if its roots are will weather the storm. Please, don't give up and wollow in what was. You are alive! So, walk forward in this new unfamiliar life that is "now". Have faith and hope. Op Look around you and really explore your life's new dimensions...and with an open heart, like that little frightened bird, take flight. Do it with the courage that comes from your roots, which have grown deep and have always nourished you. THEY are your anchor.
Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional
Photo: property of Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 

Choices: Living and Learning

Learning To Make Bold Choices 

 I believe "true" happiness begins with, what seems to me to be, a de novo   awareness and eventual synthesis of acquired knowledge and applied experiences to even begin to make life altering choices, during the course of one's existence. In my experience, happiness requires an ever expanding awareness, in every sense of the word, to be felt in ones heart. I will never desire to stop learning about this world and those who have lived to tell the story of their journey. Especially, those stories which speak to experiences that tests a person's ability to regain their balance and try again. Perhaps, the awareness that we are not alone in this world and we all experience  struggles and have encounters with things, good or bad, that emboldens us to keep making  choices that will bless us with such a peace in our mind and soul that we dane to say have known true happiness...
Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 


Monday, February 11, 2019

Making The Day Count!

Making The Day Count!

Look out!🧘‍♀️🤹‍♀️🏇⛹️‍♀️🚣‍♀️ Whatever it takes to make this day count...then you bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, blah, blah, blah...cause you're a real 💃💅👜🛍👠 ahhh, what am I saying? Let's get back to ...okay, look out, I'm off to races, ready for great day and I'm very grateful!🏃‍♀️
Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 🌺

Deborah's Meltdown!


With all the decorations and festivities behind us, for now, it's time to settle in and look towards the hope that Spring will will someone tell Ol Man Winter to settle down! I'm tired of cozying up the place! I want to see sunshine and smell the beautiful country air, once again...without getting on a plane to find warmth outside. Frankly, it hurts to even think about going outside...-15 or -30 degrees! Really!😖 ( this where I start acting like a two year old, sorry).
Okay, my ranting is over. I'll put on my big girl snow pants and flannel shirt, settle down and patiently wait for Spring. 😎 Anybody with me regarding this subject?

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 🌺

Sunday, February 3, 2019


As you know, we all go through seasons in our lives.
Some transitions, to a new season, can be horrifyingly scary. They can leave you without a clue how to embrace the new circumstances that you are about to encounter. The happy unborn bird would like to stay in it's shell, but if it does not birth itself into a new way of will die. It will never know the nest and ensuing freedom about to come. You may be in a place where you are feeling terrified, depressed and lost... Look around you.  See your blessings, they are there. Stay tightly connected to the roots that have nourished you in the past and not to a life that used to be. Please don't give up and wollow in what was. You are alive! So, walk forward in this unfamiliar life that is "now" . Have faith and hope. Look around you and really explore your life's new dimension...and with an open heart, like that little frightened bird, take flight. Do it with the courage that comes from your roots that have grown deep and have always nourished you. THEY are your anchor.
Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional
Photo: property of Deborah Mullan
Creative Gardens Farm  LLC

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Watch Your Words!

Words can wound!
Sometimes apologies are not enough. Sorry, but when someone lets loose with these heartless, vitriolic statements, the damage they cause, cannot be taken back... words wound! There is no way for us to know the heart of others.

The only cure for that is a good deal of time spent at self introspection and true repentance. Our egos and hubris, at times, cannot be allowed to rule others, just because we want control and the self-empowerment that control brings. Be accountable for your actions. Wake up people.

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 🌺

               LIVE IN
          YOUR HEART

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Think About It!


If you learn nothing else from your education, learning how to think through issues or ideas is the most valuable.  Then you will be able to seek  answers yourself and not accept  those pushed on you by society.
Deborah Mullan/ A Creative Living Professional

Photo from

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Thoughts for 2019

Happy New Year!
Give witness to all of its blessing...

Live to leave 2019 a better year, for you and others, because of the choices and changes you will make through this coming year...Love the Lord with all your heart, mind and might. Strive to live with no bondage to anything or anyone. Remember the principles of first fruits. Strive to remember humility is good, but pride needs to be checked at the door along with the ego. Most importantly,   remember the words of Yeshua(Jesus) for they tell us ... what you do to the least of others you do unto me.
With all the steps you take on your journey this year, stop when you think of what you desire. We can feel so  powerful in the flesh and that can lead us into dark places. So first look to His word and ask... "dear Lord, is this what You will for me?".
Have a wonderful year knowing you can surrender yourself to God, knowing He will always be at your side. He will give you true  blessings that will enrich your life. He will abundantly bless you with more than you could ever wish for or imagine.
Deborah Mullan/ Creative Living Profesional

Photo credit: Deborah Mullan