No Resolution Needed!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Yeshua's Promise

Yeshua...Servant and Savior.
He fulfilled one blessing by giving us eternal forgiveness/pardon from our sins, by the shedding of His blood because  He loves us, not because we deserves it.
He will bless us again by returning as the Prince of Peace. He also said "Baruch haba B'shem Adonai" let's  make Him and His promise known to all...and remember...
Sha'alu  Shalom Yahrusheliam! There must be peace in Jerusalem,  so please, pray for that peace. Shalom and Blessings,... Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Purposeful Clarity...Cut Out the Noise!

Lord, we pray that we hear Your Word so that we may have purposeful clarity and think and do according to Your will. Let us not be confused and deafened by the noise that is of this world or evil. Let us be Still in the Peace of Your Shalom  and Trust in You. Amen and Amen. A thought and prayer from: Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling

Will and Willingness

Good, Exceptional and Perfect...God's will for us only requires us to aim high. He doesn't ask for perfection,  just that we have the willingness to strive towards it His name.
A thought from: Deborah Mullan/ IvyLaneLifestyling