No Resolution Needed!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Look, Reflect, Choose, Grow

It's about taking 
it all in, all perspectives and realizing you have many choices. ...have you been narrow minded or just blind to vast possibilities of 
what could be true? 

Take a good look around you, take it all in and think. Are you actually reflecting on and relating to all that's possible out there? We can have different views or change our views on issues in our lives.
Yet, once we really consider all of our options, we can realize we are not permanently bound to things which appear to hold us back and frankly hold us captive in an unsatisfying lifestyle or from what we precieved to be a painful relationship.Please, 
grow, embrace the unfamiliar and get your creative juices flowing!

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 

How To Plan For A Spring Summer Wardrobe

So, how are
you planning for your Spring/Summer

Perhaps we need to stop buying for winter and start thinking SPRING/SUMMER! Your budget will be severely adjusted if you are not planning  ahead. So, what should you be doing, right now?
Look at what's trending, what's realistic for your lifestyle and what pieces you  can use from years past. You will be amazed at how much less you need to buy, if you really plan carefully. Remember,  trendy is good, but those pieces may end up in the back of your closet for years (probably long forgotten about). So, don't buy what you don't need.
#plan #doyourhomework
#whatdoyou have

If you need some guidance, let me know. It will cost you less money in the end. I've been dealing with these issues since the age of, do the math, that's 57 years! I'm good at this and well experienced in regard to these issues. I'll be glad to help you learn about these ideas and techniques, that will, serve you well... year after year.

Deborah Mullan/A Creative Living Professional 

Personal/Home Stylist