No Resolution Needed!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

One in God...

We are ONE in God.
I was born a Jew and will die a Jew...Many Christians believe their roots are born and steeped in Jewish tradition and believe in the Oneness God desired. The Apostles knew it and spread the Gospel...Jews whose blinders are removed and the veils have been parted, see the prophecies that are in the Old Testament and also long for the Oneness God desired.
Yeshua(Jesus) is the Messiah..He is the way. Jew and Christian gentiles alike... United in One God.
While there are some diffences in how we may worship ( a personal choice), we still have one common goal. Shalom
Deborah Mecklenburg Mullan

Doing...with intent.

Keep doing, trying impies that you might fail and not "do" it again. Keep doing with the Intension of success. Pray, live, Learn and dream with intent!


You are perfect in God's eyes. Our job is to grow into that perfection.
The great news is that He knows when your intent is to reach that perfection. Shalom