No Resolution Needed!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What Message Are We Leaving Our Children?

Listen carefully to the song titled
'What's Forever For'...
This song speaks directly to the issue of divorce, but if you think about it, it's also about love and our relationship to others... that includes our family, friends, society, our country and the rest of the world. If we don't have the love, respect and desire to try to understand others and work out our differences, then we have nothing to move forward with, to hope for and give purpose to our lives. It's a choice to live greatfully and respectfully. Life doesn't need to be an ex parte party of one,  passing judgment  from the point of view of your pain, your perspective and your needs. People, we appear to be doing very little... calm down and be party to a solution to this unrest and our differences (be they personal or or social). Think about it. What does this all say about our ourselves? What is this teaching our children? What kind of future are we leaving them?